Dr K Steven Whiting
2 min readApr 10, 2019


Sports Recovery

Sport Recovery & The Best Trace Minerals

When we think of sports recovery most of us assume that we’re talking about professional athletes, which we certainly are to some extent but so-called sports recovery or recovery from activity should be important to all of us. Those of us who engage in physical activities or sports that we enjoy often are able to do so only on weekends or other days off of work. This actually puts us at greater risk for sprains, inflammation, and other injuries because we are unable to pursue the activity often enough to keep in physical shape. One of the biggest reasons for injuries from sports activities is a lack of key nutrients. There are two groups of nutrients that would benefit the so-called weekend warrior, helping their body to recover and heal from the activities they pursue. The first ones are the natural anti-inflammatories, which have no side effects whatsoever and can help to control silent inflammation before it becomes even noticeable. The second, and probably most important group of nutrients in this discussion would be the micro trace minerals. These nutrients are so important for the repair of joint and connective tissues as well as maintaining muscle integrity that they should be included in the daily diet of those of us who choose to pursue intermittent and irregular physical activities. We have used these nutrients, these micro trace minerals, with professional athletes who put their bodies through far more than we can ever imagine and the results have been truly amazing. We have been able to reduce healing time from physical injuries by 30 to 40%. We have been able to prevent re-injuries by as much as 80% in these high-level athletes. If we can do that for them imagine what these nutrients can do for the rest of us.



Dr K Steven Whiting

Founder and Director of The Institute Of Nutritional Science, with offices in the US & Europe https://healthyinformation.com/